Innocenzo Manzetti
Innocenzo Manzetti

Museo Manzetti


36 anni di attività

sede associazione:


Viale Federico Chabod, 62

11100 Aosta (Valle d'Aosta)


Tel. 339 3574718

Help wanted...

The New York Times, 7 febbraio 1881

We are looking for a company or a private citizen (foreigner) interested in buying not only Mr. Innocenzo MANZETTI’s belongings (the real inventor of the telephone) , but also the collaboration and the professional competence of MANZETTI’s biographers who have been engaged in doing research about him since 1987. We are doing that in order to increase the importance of this famous scientist , whose work is still unknown in Italy, hoping to make him famous all over the world. 
Among his belongings (papers, letters, documents, newspapers…), noteworthy and a unique piece of inestimable value, there is his diary (1873-1875) with designs and descriptions about many car engines of cutting-edge technology and about the extraordinary steam engine car, the first in the
world made by Mr. MANZETTI and moving since 1864.        


Info Manzetti: Wikipedia


Stampa | Mappa del sito
© Innocenzo Manzetti - Museo Manzetti (associazione culturale) Sede: Viale Federico Chabod, 62 - 11100 Aosta (Valle d'Aosta, Italia, EU) -------- Sito Ufficiale/Site Officiel/Official Site -------- La Sala Museale, invece, è di proprietà della Regione valdostana e si trova sita presso il centro Saint-Bénin al 27 di via Festaz in Aosta.